Media about us

  • Dziennik Zachodni

    Young people discussed with experts about violence on the Internet and psychoactive substances

    Young people discussed with experts about violence on the Internet and psychoactive substances 200 students, 13 speakers, 3 thematic blocks, a lot of knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, addiction to psychoactive substances and a presentation of the “Youth in the Centre” project. This was the social debate entitled “Let’s talk about the safety of young people”, which took place in the Platan Shopping Center in Zabrze, in a nutshell.

  • Tourist Market

    The organizer of the tourist event will be responsible for the accident in the hotel

    The holiday season is conducive to travel, and although it is associated with carefreeness, it is during this time that most people struggle with various types of unforeseen situations, from hotels that deviate from the standards assured by the travel organizer, through delayed flights, to much more serious accidents.

  • Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

    It may be easier to get compensation from Scania abroad

    After the CJEU upheld the decision to fine a van manufacturer for participating in a cartel, carriers can pursue claims for overcharging. However, this may be difficult before the Polish courts.

  • Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

    Offices routinely record petitioners. In the opinion of the Personal Data Protection Office, it is not always legal

    Local government units do it very willingly and boast about it, but in most cases they have no grounds to do so – attention of the supervisory authority. But is his radical approach justified? Experts are not that categorical.

  • Life in Bytom

    Councillor Bartków under the scrutiny of auditors

    The additional work of the head of the Law and Justice party in Bytom in the Silesian Museum was inspected by the Marshal’s Office of the Silesian Voivodeship.

  • Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

    Cameras in the hospital will record the course of the operation or examination

    Without the patient’s consent, it will be possible to record them in embarrassing situations. From 6 September, cameras will be able to legally operate in operating theatres and treatment rooms.